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How to Recognize 4 Soprano Voice Types!

There are different female voices in choral music. One of them is soprano voice. Here we will show you 4 soprano voice types. First, let's remind ourselves what is the soprano voice. Soprano voice is the highest singing voice at all, with characteristic that have the highest tessitura. From the other side soprano voice is the most common female voice. They are known as sopranos and they are given prominent singing roles. Because of that they are often the leading protagonists in many operas. Their vocal range is from the middle C to two octaves higher (that is actually an interval of 15 full notes!). At first see one example of exceptional soprano voice.

Coloratura soprano voice

COLORATURA soprano has the quickest, most agile, and highest voice extension. she will sing many notes higher than the standard soprano’s tessitura. Coloratura soprano have remarkably high voices and concentrate on performing music coloured by oranamentation, runs and fast passages requiring nice agility. In operas, the herioine's role usually incorporate a coloratura soprano.

Lyric soprano voice

LYRIC sopranos are focused on beauty of the sound instead of extreme voice range or powerfully singing. For their singing is required a light vocal quality as well as a melodious, flowing style of vocal. A lyric soprano voice is right for several art of songs and for leading components in light operas and musical comedies. Sometimes, arias in some grand operas, also might need lyric soprano voice style and quality.

Dramatic soprano voice

DRAMATIC soprano voice is the appelation for sopranos with powerful voices and pronounced melodramatic and theatrical ability. Operatic roles depicting intense emotions are appointed to dramatic sopranos, and solely sopranos of this kind will deal with the significant orchestral accompaniments and emotional requirements of composer music drama.

Mezzo soprano voice

MEZZO SOPRANO (meaning ‘half-soprano’): it's the voice that stands between the soprano and the contralto. The mezzo soprano voice is very similar in extension to the soprano voice. Mezzo soprano voices lack both the brilliance of the higher soprano voices and also the richness of the lower alto voices. Since a lot of women's voices fall in this voice type than the other, supreme vocal quality and musicianship are essential for mezzo sopranos who build a singing career. Carmen is one the few operas with the leading role appointed to a mezzo soprano, however several supporting components in operas are sung by mezzo sopranos.


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